Lost and found


Sometimes, in the daily grind of life, we found ourselves lost. We become so lost that it seems impossible to even reach out for ourselves. Nothing seems satisfactory. Our dreams, desires, happiness, in short everything, sounds meaningless. Every moment of life feels dusky and dark. No one can make us feel better. It looks like one is wandering absurdly in the deserts of melancholy and dejection. Nothing can make you feel better or fulfilled.

In those moments of despair, a sentence, an incident can become a ray of hope. The gleam fewer jiffs turn into gleam full moments, melancholy into hope, twilight into day and dejection into happiness. These are the signs of Allah’s mercy and love. This means that Allah is showing you the way of retreat. The ray of hope is here to guide you through the unlit and deserted ways towards the luminous and populous ways.

If you are seeing this hope, then be grateful to your Allah for showing His mercy and kindness. But if you are still hopeless and have not yet found a way out, then be grateful to your Allah, because you have faith in His mercy and He will help you in these moments. There is not a single soul on the face of the earth who is not loved by Allah. So be patient because He is only testing you. Be thankful that you are dear to Allah as He is testing you and will reward you after this trial ends.

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